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Voting Information for the Home Stretch

Saturday, Oct. 26 is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 5 Presidential election.  Register online at before midnight or at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, 322 Concord Road, by 5 p.m.


You have one more week to vote early in person, until noon on Friday, Nov. 1.  In-person early voting for all six Sudbury precincts is at Town Hall.  Polls are open on Saturday. Check here for hours. 


If you plan to vote by mail, you should mail your ballot by U.S. Postal Service this coming week to be sure it arrives in time.  Ballots sent via the postal service must be postmarked on or before Nov. 5 and must be received in the Clerk’s office by 5 p.m. Nov. 8.  To be sure your ballot arrives on time, you can put it in the ballot dropbox behind Town Hall, which is available 24/7. Voters can track their mail ballots at  Be sure to sign the yellow ballot envelope; envelopes without signatures will not be accepted.


Want to see what the ballot looks like?  Check out a specimen ballot. The five ballot questions continue on the back of the ballot, so be sure to turn it over when you are voting.


Take a look at the League’s Candidates’ Forum for the 13th Middlesex District state representative seat.  Carmine Gentile, the Democratic incumbent, and Virginia Gardner, the Republican challenger, answered questions for an hour. 


The forum will run on SudburyTV cable channels Comcast 22 and Verizon 30 and high-definition channels Comcast 1074 and Verizon 2130 repeatedly until the Nov. 5 election, and is available on demand at You do not have to be a cable subscriber to view the on-demand version on your computer.  The video-on-demand program is indexed so viewers can click on a specific question.


SudburyTV is also airing a forum on the five ballot questions produced by the League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle.


Election information and candidate responses to a League questionnaire are available at the League’s online voters’ guide, For additional voting information, visit the Town Clerk’s website or the League’s website.

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