Aug 31Election Day is Sept. 3, Vote at FairbankThe state primary Election Day is Tuesday, Sept. 3, the day after Labor Day. You can find information about who is on the ballot here ,...
Aug 24Primary Election Early Voting BeginsEarly in-person voting in the state primary election begins Saturday, Aug. 24. That is also the last day to register to vote in that...
Aug 19Who's on Your Ballot?The Sept. 3 election is a state primary election in which political parties select their candidates for the Nov. 5 general election. For...
Aug 12Election Day voting at Fairbank, early voting at Town HallSudbury has permanently moved all of its Election Day polling places to the Fairbank Community Center, 40 Fairbank Rd. In-person early...
Aug 7Act Now to Vote by Mail in Sept. 3 PrimaryAny registered voter can use a mail ballot to vote in the state primary election scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 3. It’s best to start the...
May 2League Supports 19 Warrant Articles at Town MeetingThe League of Women Voters of Sudbury supports 19 articles on the Annual Town Meeting warrant, based on local, state and national LWV...