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Your 2021 Annual Town Election Candidates

Updated 2/17/2021

Local Election Update: According to the Sudbury Town Clerk and L-S Registrar, as of the close of business today 20 potential candidates have filed their intentions to run for local office (see list below). Congratulations to the potential candidates and thank you for your willingness to serve!

Please consider signing their nomination papers if asked. Your signature gives a potential candidate the opportunity to run for office; it is not a commitment to vote for a candidate.

The election will be held on Mar. 29. Potential candidates must file their intentions by Feb. 4 and return their nomination papers by Feb. 8.

Potential candidates:

An asterisk (*) indicates official candidates who have returned their signed nomination papers.

Select Board (2 seats)

-Dan Carty (incumbent)*

-Janie Dretler (incumbent)*

-Lisa Kouchakdjian*

SPS (2 seats)

-Silvia Nerssessian (incumbent)*

-Mandy Sim*

-Tyler Steffey*

Goodnow Library (2 seats)

-Marie Royea (incumbent)*

-Lily Gordon (incumbent)*

-Natalie Schlegel*

L-S (2 seats)

-Mary Warzynski - Sudbury

-Heather Cowap Salemme – Lincoln

Park & Rec (2 seats)

-Laurie Eliason*

-Robert Beagan (incumbent)

Board of Health (1 seat)

-Linda Huet-Clayton (incumbent)

Planning Board (2 seats)

-Steve Garvin (incumbent)*

Board of Assessors (1 seat)

-Joshua Fox (incumbent)

Moderator (1 seat)

-Catharine V. Blake

Sudbury Housing Authority (1 seat)

-Janet Cowan – term of 2 years

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