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What to Expect at Town Meeting

Sudbury’s Annual Town Meeting will begin in less than a month, on Monday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, 390 Lincoln Road.


All registered voters are voting members of Town Meeting. The deadline to register to vote was Friday, April 26.


Van transportation is available for qualified voters. For all other voters, parking is available in the high school parking lot. Enter the lot through the driveway east of the high school building.


To get to the auditorium, walk toward the high school building. Follow the walkway down the small hill. Enter the building through the doors directly in front of you.


Once inside, voter check-in will be immediately to your left. You must check in to receive an electronic voting clicker that will allow your vote to be recorded. You must be present to vote; there is no remote or absentee voting.


The clicker has two buttons: one for a “yes” vote and one for a “no” vote. All votes taken at Town Meeting will be “yes” or “no” votes in favor or against the approval of each article.


Check-in staff can demonstrate how to use the clicker, and the Moderator will review the voting procedures and offer a practice question with the clicker prior to the start of article voting. You can find additional information about the clickers on page iii of the Warrant, here and here.


The Moderator will follow the order of the Warrant. Each article will be debated and voted on in turn, except for articles on the Consent Calendar. The articles on the Consent Calendar are non-controversial articles that are expected to pass. Articles on the Consent Calendar, found on pages viii-x of the Warrant, will be voted on as a group, without debate.


Information about accessibility for Annual Town Meeting can be found on the Town webpage and on pages i and ii of the Warrant.


Basic information about Annual Town Meeting is available here and on pages iv-viii of the Warrant. You can learn more about town meetings in the Citizen’s Guide to Town Meeting and here. Recordings of Sudbury’s past town meetings are available on demand on SudburyTV.


Annual Town Meeting begins on Monday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. and may be continued on additional nights, as needed.

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