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Huston, Haydon and Caseria Running in Town Election

Three more prospective candidates filed their intention (“pulled papers”) to run for local office in the March 31 Annual Town Election: Mara Huston for Park and Recreation Commission, Trevor Haydon for Board of Assessors, and Jill Caseria for Goodnow Library Trustee.

Huston, who has been a member of the Park and Recreation Commission since 2016, is seeking re-election. She has previously served as chair of the Commission.

Haydon, who is the current chair of the Board of Assessors, is seeking re-election. Hayden has served on the Board of Assessors since 1998.

This will be Caseria’s first run for office in Sudbury.

There are 13 open positions on this year’s Annual Town Election ballot. Any Sudbury registered voter may run for office. Prospective candidates do not need permission from a board or committee to run.

You can find a complete list of open positions here. You can find information about how to run for office here, and resources to support a run for office here.

The period for prospective candidates to file their intention to run is from Monday, Jan. 6 to Thursday, Feb. 6. Nomination papers (“signatures”) must be returned by Feb. 10.

According to the Town Clerk’s office, as of 6:03 p.m. Jan. 7, the following people have filed their intention to run:

Select Board

(2 seats, 3 years)

Radha Gargeya

Lisa Kouchakdjian

Kevin Matthews


Board of Assessors

(1 seat, 3 years)

Trevor Haydon


Goodnow Library Trustees

(2 seats, 3 years)

Jill Caseria


Board of Health

(1 seat, 3 years)

Carol Bradford


Park and Recreation Commission

(2 seats, 3 years)

William Granger Atkeson

Mara Huston

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