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Vote Early By Mail - Apply Now Through November 1

Want to vote early by mail? You can apply now through November 1, by mail or online. Applications must be recieved in the Town Clerk's office by 5pm on Tuesday, November 1.

Massachusetts voters now have the option to vote early by mail in all elections, with no excuse required.

How To Vote By Mail

There are two main ways:

1. Every voter in Massachusetts was sent a Vote by Mail application in July of this year, and a second mailing was sent in September to every voter who hadn’t already applied for a November ballot. These applications are pre-addressed to your local election office and postage pre-paid.

If you have this postcard, this is the easiest way to apply to Vote By Mail.

Simply fill out and sign the postcard and return it to the Sudbury's Town Clerk's office - it is pre-addressed and no postage is needed. A ballot will be sent to you in the mail, for you to fill out and return by mail as well.

2. Don't have a Vote By Mail Application postcard? Apply Online to have a ballot mailed to you:

A ballot will be sent to you in the mail, for you to fill out and return by mail as well. Please note that you must be a registered voter to apply online to Vote By Mail; the online form will have you check your voter registraiotn status first.

Other Ways To Apply to Vote By Mail

You can also download and print an application and return it by email, fax or by hand to the Sudbury Town Clerk's office at 322 Concord Road, Sudbury. Applications must be recieved in the Town Clerk's office by 5pm on Tuesday, November 1. Contact the Town Clerk’s Office at or 978-639-3351 with any questions.

For information about Emergency Absentee Ballots, Military and Overseas voters, Vote By Mail Accommodations and more, visit the Voting By Mail section of the Secretary of State's website.


For more information on the upcoming election, including how and where to vote Early By Mail, Early In Person, or On Election Day In Person; candidate and ballot question details and more, please visit

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