Ballot Question Forums October 12, Oct. 13, and Oct. 17

Want to understand exactly what the ballot questions are about? Local leagues are sponsoring webinars* you can listen in on (and ask questions) for details about the questions, their pros and cons, and how it will impact YOU.
Here's the schedule:
Ballot Question #1 (Additional Tax on Income Over One Million Dollars)
October 13, 6:45pm ET
Lead Organizer: LWV Boston
October 13, 6:45 p.m. Register here.
The LWVMA Board voted to take no position on this question, and offers this nonpartisan forum to present full coverage of the issue.
Ballot Question #2 (Regulation of Dental Insurance)
Ballot Question #3 (Expanded Availability of Licenses for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages)
October 17, 7:30 p.m.
This is one forum covering both questions.
nBallot Question #2 (Regulation of Dental Insurance) LWV Salem; LWV Andover-N. Andover; LWV Newton
October 17, 7:30 p.m. Register here
The LWVMA Board voted to take no position on these questions, and offers this nonpartisan forum to present full coverage of the issue.
TODAY Ballot Question #4: Eligibility for Driver's Licenses
“Safer Roads for a Stronger Commonwealth”
October 12, 4:00 p.m
LWVMA supports a YES vote on Question 4*. LWVMA and the Transportation for Massachusetts coalition (T4MA) are organizing an advocacy forum for Yes on 4. The panel discussion entitled “Safer Roads for a Stronger Commonwealth” will take place October 12, 4:00 p.m. Register here.
* Are These Forums Non-Partisan, or Does The LWV Take a Side?
Ballot Question forums for Questions 1-3 are non-partisan and offer discussion and information on all aspects of the issues.
This is because the LWV does not take a position on Ballot questions 1-3. Here's a statement on why the League does not take a position on Questions 1-3. (TL;DR: the LWV supports initiatves only when they specifically relate to our adopted positions.) See the LWVMA's Program Book "Where We Stand" for our full positions.
The League supports Question 4, because it directly supports our stated position: "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should provide driving certificates, or some other form of proof of driving validation to undocumented drivers, allowing those drivers to drive legally and ensuring that they would have passed a state driving test. The Commonwealth should permit and encourage auto insurance providers to issue insurance coverage to holders of such driving certificates.” (Where We Stand, p. 49-50.). Because of this, the forum for Question 4 is an advocacy forum in favor of the question.