The period to file intentions (pull papers) to run for local office ended yesterday at 5 p.m. According to the Town Clerk’s office and the L-S Registrar, as of 5 p.m. and 4 p.m. on 2/1/2023 respectively, there are 17 candidates for 13 open positions and four potentially contested races: Select Board, Goodnow Library Trustee, Planning Board, and L-S School Committee. Here's the current list:
Select Board (1 seat, 3 years): Charlie Russo*, Radha Raman Gargeya*
Board of Assessors (1 seat, 3 years): Liam Joseph Vesely
Goodnow Library Trustee (2 seats, 3 years): Ingrid Mayyasi*, Timothy Alan Anderson*, Elizabeth Iwasaki*
Board of Health (1 seat, three years): Susan Sama*
Park and Recreation Commissioner (1 seat, 3 years): Benjamin Carmel*
Planning Board (1 seat, three years): John D. Riordan, Julie Zelermeyer Perlman*
Commissioner of Housing Authority (1 seat, 5 years): Frank W. Riepe*
Sudbury School Committee (2 seats, 3 years): Mandy Sim*, Nicole Burnard*
Sudbury School Committee (1 seat, 1 year): Sarah Troiano*
Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee (2 seats, three years): Maura F. Carty (Sudbury), Ravi Simon (Sudbury)*, Lucy Mason Maulsby (Lincoln)*
An asterisk (*) indicates those potential candidates who have returned their nomination papers. Note that potential candidates are not official candidates until their nomination papers have been returned and the signatures have been certified by the Town Clerk.
The period for potential candidates to file their intentions to run for office began on Thursday, Jan. 5 and ended on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 5 p.m. The deadline to return nomination papers is Friday, Feb. 3 at 5 p.m.