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Election FAQs






Who/what are we voting for?


See a specimen ballot here:


The following positions will be included on the ballot:


For Three Years:


For Two Years:


How can I vote in this election?


Voters are encouraged to vote by mail-in ballot as a precautionary measure in response to COVID-19.  


For this election, you can vote:

  1. By mail-in ballot, mailed or placed in dropbox (ballots must be received in the clerk’s office or placed in the secure ballot dropbox outside the Town Clerk's office by 8p.m. March 29. (NOTE: You must download and complete a 2021 VOTE-BY-MAIL application if you wish to vote by mail.  Applications are not being sent to voters automatically for the town election.  If you checked a box on an application last fall asking that mail-in ballots be sent to you for every election, that request expired at the end of 2020 and you must file a new application for a 2021 ballot.)

  2. In-person, on election day (Monday March 29, 7am-8pm, at your usual polling place).


There is no in-person Early Voting for the Annual Town Election.  


What is the deadline to register to vote in this election?

You must be registered to vote by Tuesday, March 9.




Click here to check your voter registration status​.


How can I register to vote?

If you are not currently registered to vote in Sudbury, Tuesday March 9th is the deadline to register and be eligible to vote in the Annual Town Election.


Persons who are United States Citizens, residents of Massachusetts, and who will be at least 18 years old on or before March 29th are eligible to register. Those meeting these qualifications who have a Massachusetts Driver’s License can submit their registration online at   Mail in registrations must be postmarked on or before the deadline, Tuesday, March 9.


Contact the Town Clerk’s Office at or 978-639-3351 with any questions.





How do I get a mail-in ballot? 

We encourage all who are not able to go to the polls, or wish to avoid your polling place as a precautionary measure in response to COVID-19to submit a 2021 VOTE-BY-MAIL APPLICATION.


You must download and complete a 2021 VOTE-BY-MAIL application if you wish to vote by mail.  Applications are not being sent to voters automatically for the town election.  If you checked a box on an application last fall asking that mail-in ballots be sent to you for every election, that request expired at the end of 2020 and you must file a new application for a 2021 ballot.


You may also request an absentee ballot, if you meet the eligibility criteria on the application.


Completed applications  may be emailed to, or mailed to:


Sudbury Town Clerk

322 Concord Rd.

Sudbury MA. 01776


or left in the lock box inside the vestibule at the Town Clerk's office, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


What is the deadline to request a mail-in ballot?

Applications must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office by 5 pm on Tuesday, March 23. (But apply sooner or you may not receive your ballot in time.)  Applications should be filed with the Town Clerk’s office as soon as possible, as it may take 5 to 8 days to receive your Vote by Mail packet and ballot.


When must ballots be returned?

Ballots must be received in the clerk’s office by 8p.m. March 29.   Allow enough time if you mail your ballot; otherwise drop your ballot in the dropbox outside the Town Clerk's office at the rear of Town Hall, available 24/7.  There is only one dropbox for this election.


How do I complete and return my ballot?

When you receive your Vote by Mail packet: 


  • Fill out the ballot. Use a pen with blue or black ink.

  • Place ballot in yellow envelope, SIGN YOUR NAME and seal the envelope. The envelope must be signed for your ballot to count.

  • Place sealed, yellow envelope into white envelope and seal

  • Return your ballot one of these ways:

  1. By Mail to Sudbury Town Clerk, 322 Concord Road, Sudbury MA, 01776 - Note that you will need TWO STAMPS if returning by First Class mail.  -OR-

  2. In the secure dropbox outside the Town Clerk' office, available 24/7. There is only one dropbox for this election. 




When is the ballot dropbox at Town Hall open?

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 


I am currently staying out of town.  Can I request that a mail ballot be sent to an address different from the address on my voter registration? 

Yes. Use the address where you wish to receive your ballot when filling out your application.



What should I do if I already requested or received a mail-in ballot, but I have changed my mind and now I want to vote in person?

If you have not yet mailed or returned your ballot, you can still choose to vote in person. Go to your polling place, speak with an election official, and vote in person. Do not return your mail-in ballot. If the mail-in ballot is received after you vote in person, it will not be counted. If you have already returned your ballot, do not vote in person.




Is early in-person voting possible?

There is no early in-person voting for this election.


Where do I vote on Election Day?

On Election Day, you can vote at your usual polling place, 7 A.M. - 8 P.M. on March 29. 

  • Fairbank Community Center – Precincts 1, 1A, 2 and 5

  • Town Hall – Precincts 3 and 4


How do I find my polling place?

This link will tell you whether you are registered, what your precinct is and where to vote:


Will I need ID? 

You may be asked to show identification at the check-in table for any of the following reasons:

  • You are voting for the first time in Massachusetts in a federal election;

  • You are an inactive voter;

  • You are casting a provisional or challenged ballot;

  • The poll worker has a reasonable suspicion that leads them to request identification. 


You will not be required to present photo identification. For a full listing of acceptable forms of identification, please see the  MA Secretary of State's page on Identification.





  • Do NOT go to the POLLS if you are sick or have been exposed to the virus leading up to Election Day – Call 978-639-3351 for voting options from home.



Is it safe to vote in person?

The Sudbury Select Board, the Sudbury Board of Health, and the Sudbury Town Clerk’s office are encouraging as many voters as possible to vote by mail. If you need or choose to vote in person, the Town Clerk’s office, with the approval of the Sudbury Board of Health, has created a plan to make voting in person as safe as possible. You will find new precautions being taken at your polling place.


Do I need to wear a mask when I vote?

Yes. Facial coverings will be required and social distancing observed.


Should I bring my own pen to mark the ballot?  

Yes, please bring your own pen - blue or Black ink; sharpie or Paper Mate Flair recommended (machines will not read red / highlighters; Pencil / crayons cause issues with tabulator breakdowns).


Will voting booths, pens, door handles and other common items be disinfected between voters?  

Yes. Voting booths, pens, and counters are disinfected throughout the day.  There will be hand sanitizer available as voters exit the room.  Voters should not use gel sanitizer while they are holding the ballots, as it could compromise them.


Voters who are under quarantine because of or awaiting a Covid-19 diagnosis can still vote.

If you have been admitted to a healthcare facility or you are instructed to quarantine in your home within one week of the election, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone of your choice to deliver a ballot to you. The person you designate to deliver your ballot will need to bring the signed application to your local election office, pick up your absentee ballot, bring it to you, and return it for you by the close of polls on Election Day. Emergency ballots may be requested up until the close of polls.   Call 978-639-3351 for voting options from home.




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Comments, suggestions, questions?  Contact us!


League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776


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Disclaimer: All links to other web sites are provided for your convenience only. The League of Women Voters of Sudbury exercises no control of the information or opinions contained on them. Provision of these links on our site does not indicate an endorsement of their contents by the LWV of Sudbury.


© Copyright League of Women Voters of Sudbury, Massachusetts. All rights reserved.

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