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Upcoming Candidates' Forums




The League of Women Voters of Sudbury will hold a candidates' forum for the two candidates for the 13th Middlesex State Representative seat, in cooperation with the League of Women Voters of Wayland.


The forum will be taped at the end of September and then be broadcast on the Sudbury and Wayland cable stations and be available as video-on-demand through the month of October. The taping will be done by videoconference and will not be open to the public.


Sudbury and Wayland voters can submit questions for the candidates by emailing them to, or mailing to Sudbury LWV, P.O. Box 338, Sudbury, MA 01776. The deadline for questions is 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18. Questions should be about issues facing the state legislature and be directed to both candidates.


The two candidates in the race for the 13th Middlesex seat, which includes all of Sudbury and precincts 1, 2, and 3 in Wayland, are Carmine Gentile, a Democrat and the incumbent, and Ingrid Centurion, a Republican. Both candidates live in Sudbury.


The election is Tuesday, Nov. 3, and the deadline to register to vote in that election is Oct. 24.


The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization and does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Information about the Sudbury League is available at




Comments, suggestions, questions?  Contact us!


League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776


Privacy Policy: We do not use cookies, nor do we collect information about users. Any form data is used only to satisfy the purpose of that form (for example, send an email in response to a question).


Disclaimer: All links to other web sites are provided for your convenience only. The League of Women Voters of Sudbury exercises no control of the information or opinions contained on them. Provision of these links on our site does not indicate an endorsement of their contents by the LWV of Sudbury.


© Copyright League of Women Voters of Sudbury, Massachusetts. All rights reserved.

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