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Candidates' Forum videos for each contested race (and a combined forum for the uncontested races) will be recorded February 26 and 27.  Watch this space for further details.


Each year, the League of Women Voters of Sudbury compiles this Voters' Guide to the local elections as a service to voters. Stay tuned for the 2022 Guide coming soon!


We asked candidates to answer this question:


"What are the first two issues you would address if elected, and how would you address them?"

The candidates were asked to limit their responses to 100 words, and the responses in this guide are as the candidates wrote them. Responses appear here when they are submitted.

Download the entire 2021 LWVS Voters' Guide as a PDF


ADDRESS: Brimstone Lane, Sudbury
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Board of Assessors

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

The Board of Assessors implements the Senior Means-Tested Real Estate Tax Exemption. The Board is required to review exemption applications and conduct an asset analysis to determine whether applicants have “excessive assets that place them outside of the intended recipients.” I will continue to implement this program as intended by our voters, and will ensure that our seniors are educated about the availability of this exemption.

Another important responsibility of the Board of Assessors is to review discretionary needs-based abatements. I will always ensure that our citizens most in need are granted discretionary abatements on a fundamentally fair basis.

Candidate for Board of Assessors

Joshua Fox

ADDRESS: Pineridge Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Perioperative RN
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Board of Health

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

The Board needs to continue closely following updated CDC recommendations for Covid. As a community we appear to be trending towards fewer cases, but we need to maintain vigilance in masking so that we can keep the momentum headed in the right direction. As a Board member, I will use the most updated data in guiding my decisions for the residents of Sudbury.

Another issue to address is the hiring of a candidate to fill the BOH nursing role who exhibits exemplary nursing skills, so that health screenings, clinics, and health and wellness programs can continue uninterrupted for Sudbury residents.

Candidate for Board of Health

Linda Huet-Clayton

ADDRESS: Dutton Road, Sudbury
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee

The first issue to address is re-opening the library. We are planning a limited re-opening in early April, and hope to increase access as conditions allow. The Trustees will work closely with the Town Manager and Board of Health in order to do this safely.

The second issue to address is renovating the Historical Room. We plan to begin renovation of the Historical Room starting this Spring. This is in part a response to patron requests for a quiet and comfortable study area. It will also provide more access to historical documents for research.

Candidate for Goodnow Library Trustee

Lily Gordon

ADDRESS: Hemlock Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: University International Programs Director
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

I will advocate for a reopening plan with clear targets that balances staff safety, community needs, and state guidelines. A safe reopening is possible now and vital to our community and democracy.
I will advocate for transparent definitions of roles between Trustees, Foundation, and Friends. Independent organizations that exist to benefit the library are priceless. Goodnow’s long-term best interests will be served by rebuilding relations with Friends.

I will accomplish this with the listening and conflict resolution I’m known for in higher education and the diplomacy and mutual understanding I have achieved between my university and foreign partners.

Candidate for Goodnow Library Trustee

Natalie Schlegel

ADDRESS: Blacksmith Drive, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Serial Volunteer
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

My first priority is to reopen the Goodnow Library to the public as soon as possible, following a phased approach with guidance from our local Board of Health and Town Manager, which maintains the safety of both library staff and our patrons.

Another high priority is to implement policies and procedures which support our outstanding library staff in their creative and innovative dedication to the success of assuring the Goodnow Library’s reputation as an invaluable and unique asset of our town.

Candidate for Goodnow Library Trustee

Marie Royea

ADDRESS: Old Garrison Rd., Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Nurse Practitioner
OFFICE YOU SEEK: LS School Committee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

First and foremost, I would like to see our LS high school students back in the
classroom with their teachers. As we transition to fall 2021, I look forward to working
collaboratively with the other school committee members, the LS teachers and
administration and the LS parents I serve to make certain the quality of student’s
education is robust and that students are prepared for life after graduation.

Candidate for LSRHS School Committee

Mary D Warzynski

ADDRESS: Ridge Road, Lincoln, MA
OCCUPATION: retired educator
OFFICE YOU SEEK: LS Reg School Committee

Facebook page:
Linked In:

My first objective is to ensure faculty and students are supported in continuing new best educational practices learned this past year. The second objective would be to support many of the excellent initiatives that already exist, such as the 8th grade to 9th transition program, in Lincoln, and the ongoing work on equity, with a particular interest in meeting the needs of all students to achieve the LS Portrait of our Graduates.

Candidate for LSRHS School Committee

Heather Cowap

ADDRESS: Concord Rd., Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Director of Oncology Patient Centered Outcomes
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Park and Recreation Commission

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

The building of a new Fairbank Community Center is a critical undertaking for Park and Recreation.  I will seek to provide valuable input on the design and features of the building, based on personal experience with programs. The center should support activities and programs that are affordable and accessible to a range of Sudbury residents. 
I will aim to ensure our community athletic and recreation needs are met in a way that is financially sustainable for the department.  With this, I will explore uses of recent property acquisitions and how the land can support existing and future programs.

Candidate for Park and Recreation Commission

Laurie Eliason

ADDRESS: Bowditch Rd, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Civil Engineer
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Planning Board Member

Website and/or Facebook page, if any: N/A

If re-elected, I hope to work on completing and implementing the Master Plan. Having worked as a Board to secure funds, gain approval at Town Meeting, select a consultant, and set up the parameters for the Steering Committee and the Master Plan itself, I look forward to this most important planning exercise to come to fruition. I also hope to work on new bylaws, in particular the cell tower regulations and how we can improve its effectiveness.

Candidate for Planning Board

Stephen R. Garvin

ADDRESS: Kay Street, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Urban Designer / Architect
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Planning Board

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

As a current member of the Planning Board, I will continue to do the important work that we do now. One of the most important things that the Board does is to ensure that new development fits within the character of Sudbury and is designed to protect our wetlands, landscape, and water bodies. The other major thing happening on the Board that I have been deeply involved in and will continue to move forward is the Town Master Plan which we will hopefully adopt in the near future and then begin to implement over time.

Candidate for Planning Board

John Sugrue

ADDRESS: Checkerberry Circle, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Middle-School Assistant Principal
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:,

My top two priorities are ensuring the safe return of students to school, and cementing the long-term commitment to and strength of diversity, equity, and inclusion district-wide.

Both of these priorities require a budget commitment; for example, to increase staff capacity through professional development in inclusive teaching practices and social/emotional development. I consider it my responsibility to work with our schools and Sudbury residents to accept this work will take time, participation, and patience.

I will draw from 20 years of school experience, and my commitment as the parent of a Kindergartener and second-grader, to bring these priorities to fruition.

Candidate for SPS School Committee

Tyler Steffey

ADDRESS: Mossman Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Business Owner
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any: and

As an early advocate for in-person learning, I’m excited there’s a plan to bring our K-8 students fully back for in-person learning. As a business owner who must work with my local government officials, I understand the requirements and challenges our district must overcome in order to bring kids back full-time. I also understand the restraints of operating any facility during this time and worry about the economic impact the pandemic could have on future school budgets. Using my business expertise, I am prepared to put forth balanced budgets while ensuring we’re providing the best quality education for our students.

Candidate for SPS School Committee

Mandy Sim

ADDRESS: Dutton Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Director of Development
OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

My highest priority is ensuring the District is prepared for a return to full in-person learning. Now more than ever we need experienced leadership to address the impacts of the pandemic on our students’ academic and social emotional well-being. I am dedicated to providing students the educational experience they deserve.

I believe in meeting the needs of all students and providing them the appropriate level of challenge and opportunity for real growth. I will continue to support goals and policies that promote equity and inclusion. I am committed to advancing strategic educational initiatives, while balancing the impact on the taxpayers.

Candidate for SPS School Committee

Silvia Nerssessian

ADDRESS: Meadowbrook Circle, Sudbury

Website and/or Facebook page, if any: and

Improving Select Board governance practices is a priority for me, including acquiring significant professional development in the following areas: role and responsibility of the Select Board, role of the Town Manager and relationship between the two and Open Meeting Law. Doing this work will make the Select Board more focused, streamline agenda practice and improve functionality. The Select Board must improve processes regarding large capital items requiring debt by considering capital earlier in the year. Inefficiencies in process have caused undue delay in projects costing residents more money. Developing strong process is an area of great strength for me.

Candidate for Select Board

Lisa V. Kouchakdjian

ADDRESS: Stonebrook Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Sr. Program Manager – Process Improvement

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

Plan for Sudbury Post-Covid: Entering the pandemic put us in unchartered waters, so I conservatively led Sudbury for a financial worst-case scenario.  We are in as good a financial position as I could have hoped, but the truth is Covid will leave behind a large wake.  We need to assure Sudbury will remain serviced as we come out the other side. 

Revisit the L-S Agreement: 37 years since last updated, and much has changed, including two changes to our form of government (Town Manager, 3 to 5 SB members), and withdrawal from Minuteman Regional, leaving our vocational students inequitably served.

Candidate for Select Board

Dan Carty

ADDRESS: Goodman’s Hill Road, Sudbury
OCCUPATION: Marketing and Operations professional and current Select Board Chair

Website and/or Facebook page, if any:

COVID-19 Recovery and Re-opening: There is no more pressing issue facing Sudbury. I support measures to assist our most vulnerable residents in getting vaccinated, including teachers and school employees. As an experienced Select member, I will work to ensure that essential town services can operate safely during this crisis. We must be innovative in how we support economic recovery and communicate our needs clearly to state representatives.

Getting Our Financial House in Order: I’m committed to defining our financial policies, prioritizing capital projects, and identifying funding sources that will help to offset the financial burden to taxpayers for the long-term.

Candidate for Select Board

Janie Dretler

Comments, suggestions, questions?  Contact us!

League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776

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