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Susan Sama

Julie Zelermyer Perlman

Radha Raman Gargeya

Frank W. Riepe

Elizabeth Iwasaki

Ravi Simon

Liam Vesely

Mandy Sim

Sarah Troiano

Timothy Anderson

Lucy Maulsby

Charlie Russo

Ingrid Mayyasi

Nicole Burnard


On March 28, 2022, Sudbury registered voters will vote for the following positions:

  • 2 members of the Select Board

  • 1 member of the Board of Assessors

  • 2 Goodnow Library Trustees

  • 1 member of the Board of Health

  • 2 members of the Park and Recreation Commission

  • 2 members of the Planning Board

  • 1 member of the Sudbury School Committee all for three years 

  • 1 member of the Sudbury School Committee for one year

  • 1 member of the Sudbury Housing Authority for five years

  • 2 members for three years each to the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District School Committee


To assist voters with making their decisions, Candidates' Forum videos for each contested race (and a combined forum for the uncontested races) will be available via SudburyTV.  Watch this space for further details (expected by mid-March).

The Candidates Forum will also include write-in candidates under certain conditions.  Learn more.


Each year, the League of Women Voters of Sudbury compiles a Voters' Guide to the local elections as a service to voters. Stay tuned for the completed 2022 Guide coming soon!  In the meantime, candidates' responses for the Voters' Guide appear below, as they are submitted.


We asked candidates to answer this question:


"What are the first two issues you would address if elected, and how would you address them?"

The candidates were asked to limit their responses to 100 words, and the responses in this guide are as the candidates wrote them.  

Susan Sama
Board of Health
NAME: Susan R. Sama ADDRESS: 247 Hudson Road OCCUPATION: Epidemiologist OFFICE YOU SEEK: Board of Health Website and/or Facebook page, if any: N/A New Health Director: We are in the process of interviewing to hire a new Health Director. I would meet with the new Director regularly to support their transition to Sudbury’s Health Department, as well as providing routine epidemiologic support. Updating Technology and Regulations: Working with colleagues in the Health Department to continue implementing new technologies such as ViewPermit and resume work to revise some of our regulations that need to be updated.
Elizabeth Iwasaki
Goodnow Library Trustee
NAME: Elizabeth (Lissa) Iwasaki ADDRESS: 24 Surrey Lane OCCUPATION: Library Assistant, Weston Public Schools OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: Lissa Iwasaki for Library Trustee Libraries are for everyone, and that means equity is essential. Equity for everyone in Sudbury. So our home-bound patrons can still access books and services. And programs are available for children of all ages and abilities. And Sudbury’s changing population is reflected in our collection and programs, like the recent Lunar New Year celebration. I also think protecting our library from challenges is critical. We are naive to think it can only happen elsewhere. Book and activity challenges are happening in Massachusetts right now, and our library should be prepared with policies and strategies to ensure that a single perspective can’t take our wonderful library from us.
Sarah Troiano
Sudbury School Committee
NAME: Sarah Troiano ADDRESS: 342 Lincoln Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 OCCUPATION: Stay-at-home Mom, current member Sudbury School Committee OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee Member (1 year term) Website and/or Facebook page, if any: Facebook: Sarah for School Committee It has been an honor to serve on the Sudbury School Committee the last three years. If re-elected, I will collaborate with my fellow Committee members, teachers, and administrators to continue the work of meeting the needs of ALL learners in the District and further advancing our Equity work. Specifically, this would include ensuring we have the financial resources to address the myriad impacts of the pandemic on student mental health and academic outcomes, continuing to review annual benchmarking data on student performance, and funding equity initiatives such as professional development and curriculum review.
Charlie Russo
Select Board
NAME: Charlie Russo ADDRESS: 30 Juniper Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 OCCUPATION: Proposal Manager OFFICE YOU SEEK: re-election to Select Board Website and/or Facebook page, if any: Overseeing/completing major construction projects – BFRT, Fire Station 2, Fairbank Community Center, Eversource – now underway in Town is critical to improve services to residents and create capacity for new projects. I offer institutional knowledge and a record of success in advancing projects that benefit residents. Ensuring post-pandemic equity is also crucial, as Covid did not affect everyone equally. This includes supporting resources for students, programming for seniors and children at the new Community Center, and services to vulnerable populations. Looking ahead, the CWMP and two upcoming rail trails give the opportunity to re-vision Route 20 as a more pleasant commercial area.
Julie Zelermyer Perlman
Planning Board
NAME: Julie Zelermyer Perlman ADDRESS: 4 Blacksmith Dr OCCUPATION: Corporate Real Estate, Lecturer OFFICE YOU SEEK: Planning Board Website and/or Facebook page, if any: N/A I have enjoyed giving back to the town over the past year as an Associate Member of the Planning Board. I seek to continue serving as a steward for Sudbury’s historic and rural character as the town grows.
Ravi Simon
Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee
NAME: Ravi Simon ADDRESS: 437 Cold Brook Drive, 1-314, Sudbury, MA 01776 OCCUPATION: Legislative Aide, State Representative Carmine Gentile OFFICE YOU SEEK: Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: My priority will be ensuring a smooth transition for the new incoming Superintendent/Principal and that further decisions, such as a process to separate the Superintendent/Principal positions, are done through a transparent, inclusive process for both Sudbury and Lincoln. I am also concerned by the over 20% increase in transportation costs in the new bus contract. I feel that the LSSC should be looking at the feasibility of taking over the bus fleet, as Concord-Carlisle and Acton-Boxborough have done.
Timothy Anderson
Goodnow Library Trustee
NAME: Timothy Anderson ADDRESS: 19 Raynor Road OCCUPATION: Computer programmer OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: Our library is a place for learning, study, even entertainment—but it is also a center of our community. My first goal is to restore some of that community: the relationship between the library and its Friends organization was and remains fractured. We can and should repair it, by listening, compromising, and putting the library community ahead of personal interests. Second, I want to grow the library community—with more of us as volunteers, as supporters, even as participants at Library Board meetings. We can all benefit from the library, and we can all contribute to its health and growth.
Ingrid Mayyasi
Goodnow Library Trustee
NAME: Ingrid Mayyasi ADDRESS: 65 Pokonoket Ave. OCCUPATION: School Librarian OFFICE YOU SEEK: Goodnow Library Trustee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: Website: Facebook: I will prioritize inclusion and outreach to ensure that all members of our community have access to resources and programs they need. I will work to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all and build partnerships with local organizations to bring new and diverse perspectives to our library. I will also prioritize sustainability, library wide. I will work to promote practices in the library, from reducing waste to supporting environmentally-friendly initiatives. I want to ensure that the library is a hub of educational and environmental resources. The library should become a role model in the area of sustainability.
Radha Raman Gargeya
Select Board
NAME: Radha Raman Gargeya ADDRESS: 120 Powder Mill Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776 OCCUPATION: Software Engineer OFFICE YOU SEEK: Select Board Website and/or Facebook page, if any: I will build on Sudbury’s strengths to ensure the excellence of our quality of life, public schools, town planning, and economic health. I will do so in an efficient way. The first two issues are enhancing sustainability, including renewable energy, and following through on long-term capital planning. I led the high school solar canopy installation as a member and leader of the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee. I led technology upgrades and softball field projects at L-S. I did this in collaboration and consultation with the community and town officials. I will use that experience to serve the entire town of Sudbury.
Liam Vesely
Board of Assessors
NAME: Liam Vesely ADDRESS: Pokonoket Ave. OCCUPATION: Attorney I am running for the position of assessor on the Board of Assessors. My knowledge and experience as an incumbent allow me to consider and decide on assessment matters in accordance with the legal obligations that come with the office. I pledge to listen and act in a fair and thoughtful manner to all Sudbury citizens who come before the Board with their business. Issues: 1. Keeping Sudbury citizens informed of assessing information, programs and services through our website and outreach services; 2. Ensuring that the Board of Assessors is accessible to those who have business before the Board.
Lucy Maulsby
Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee
NAME: Lucy Maulsby ADDRESS: 30 Tower Rd., Lincoln OCCUPATION: Professor OFFICE YOU SEEK: Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: NA I look forward to helping shape the future of LSRH as the school transitions to new leadership at a critical time in the institution’s history. I will also aim to foster an environment of thoughtful, respectful, transparent, and collegial participation and debate within the School Committee. More broadly, I will advocate for the various stake holders–students, parents, faculty, and staff–that are critical to the success of LS; work to maintain the excellence of the many programs that LS supports; and facilitate communication and engagement among Lincoln, Sudbury, and Boston to collaboratively impact the broad LS community.
Nicole Burnard
Sudbury School Committee
NAME: Nicole Burnard ADDRESS: 42 Great Lake Drive OCCUPATION: Manager OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee Website and/or Facebook page, if any: #1 - Sound mental health provides an essential foundation of stability that supports the formation of friendships and academic success. Our children are struggling to navigate the post pandemic world and their mental health is my top priority. Adding mental and behavioral health staff to further support those in need is crucial and I fully support the need. #2 - Heroic efforts of students to learn and educators to teach were truly inspiring during Covid however our kids lost essential in person learning. We still have “catch up” work to do and I plan to advocate for the growing needs of our students.
Frank W. Riepe
Sudbury Housing Authority
NAME: Frank W. Riepe ADDRESS: 54 Newbridge Rd. OCCUPATION: Retired architect OFFICE YOU SEEK: Commissioner of Housing Authority Website and/or Facebook page, if any:
Mandy Sim
Sudbury School Committee
NAME: Mandy Sim ADDRESS: 11 Mossman Road OCCUPATION: Business Owner OFFICE YOU SEEK: Sudbury School Committee, re-election Website and/or Facebook page, if any: It has been an honor to serve on the Sudbury School Committee for the past year and a half. I look forward to continuing to put the needs of our students first and ensure our District is equipped to support our students in this post-pandemic world. I am proud of our current budget that clearly prioritizes the social emotional and mental health of our students while also putting forth new initiatives such as reviewing our Early Childhood Education program. I will continue to support the equity work being done in our Schools and ensure Sudbury remains a top District in the Commonwealth

Comments, suggestions, questions?  Contact us!

League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776

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